The 3rd plenary meeting of the AEGIS Project took place in Limassol, Cyprus on October 12th-13th, 2017 hosted by UBITECH. The main objectives of the meeting were:
- To streamline the AEGIS architecture and define in detail the tools and integration points foreseen
- To discuss the overall scenarios of the demonstrators and analyse their needs and the added value of AEGIS to them
- To coordinate and strategically design the future work in the project.
The first day opened with another round of discussions regarding the 3 AEGIS demonstrators, identifying both the data and computing needs of each case. The discussions resulted into the analysis of requirements in terms of both metadata and overall techniques and methodologies to be employed to turn the overall offering into a truly value added service that can accommodate the demonstrators’ needs, but more importantly to allow AEGIS to operate as a case-agnostic platform for the whole PSPS domain.
The discussions that followed, which consumed the rest of the first day and the whole second day focused on the overall AEGIS architecture and the integration points of different systems and tools, which altogether were placed into the picture to provide an idea of how the final AEGIS platform should look like, and which its main functions will be.