AEGIS High Level Scenarios – Scenario #3 – Data-Driven Monitoring and Alert Services for Impaired or High Risk Groups Individuals

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This is the third blog post out of the 5 blog posts that will provide a view of the 5 AEGIS high level scenarios. To find more about the AEGIS scenarios, you can visit the first blog post of this series. … Continued

Behind the Data Policy and the Business Brokerage Framework: state of the art of the AEGIS Data Policy and Business Mediator Conventions

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The AEGIS platform will provide a concrete method for create micro-contracts for data, services, algorithms and intelligence reports sharing that will be used to validate transactions and safeguard the proper use of the platform by the different participating partners, forbidding … Continued

What is the current and expected use of big data technologies? A glimpse to our AEGIS questionnaire results!

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One of the main objectives of AEGIS is to drive data-focused innovation that expands over multiple business sectors and takes into consideration structured, unstructured and multilingual data sets, rejuvenates the existing models and facilitates companies and organisations in the Public … Continued

AEGIS @ ICE 2017

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AEGIS participated with partners NTUA, UBITECH and SUITE5 in this year’s ICE 2017 Conference that had the theme “Engineering, Technology & Innovation Management Beyond 2020: New Challenges, New Approaches”. During the conference, AEGIS had a dedicated presentation slot in the, where Dr. … Continued